
Our expert doctors give valuable information on all conditions of the heart from high blood pressure to cardiac arrest.

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Irregular heartbeat: 5 symptoms you should never ignore

When your heart “skips a beat” it may sound romantic, but it could be a sign you need a check–up. Here are symptoms to look out for. Your heart is


Should you be going for a heart screening?

You may never have had heart trouble before, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not at risk. A Mediclinic heart specialist explains when to book a routine screening. When it


How to react when someone has a stroke

When someone has a stroke, it’s crucial to act quickly – both as a bystander on the scene and as a medical professional. The Mediclinic Stroke Project has streamlined prioritized


  • We found a practical solution to a shortage of theatre nurses by becoming a registered teaching institution.
  • Most nursing units have windows overlooking gardens to promote healing.
  • The only one in Africa and one of only 13 in the world, the P-I BrÅnemark Institute of Excellence at Mediclinic Morningside, specialises in facial reconstruction.
  • An orange has over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot-inhibiting effects.
  • Our world-class neonatal units feature high frequency oscillatory ventilators to minimise lung trauma in premature babies.
  • A baby weighing 390g survived thanks to the expertise of Mediclinic’s highly qualified paediatric staff and specialists.
  • Mediclinic has the highest number of internationally accredited facilities in Southern Africa.
  • We place oxygen-releasing, toxin-absorbing plants, like Sanseviera Trifasciata, around our hospitals.
  • To prevent harmful bacteria being absorbed by mattresses we use protective under sheets made from polypropylene.
  • We have backup generators for our backup generators so that we can provide uninterrupted expert care.

What exactly are heart palpitations and am I in any danger?

In some cases, heart palpitations may be nothing to worry about; however, they can be a symptom of something more serious. A cardiologist who specialises in managing heart rhythm disorders

Cape Town Cycle Tour

“My heart attack saved me”

When Byron Nichles lined up at the start of the Cape Town Cycle Tour, he didn’t expect his race to end in emergency evacuation – or that his entire life


  • Nurses can observe patients at all times as critical care units are designed like a beehive with the nurses’ station in the middle.
  • Mediclinic is one of the three leading private hospital groups in Southern Africa and the sixth largest private healthcare group in the world.
  • Our radio-translucent theatre beds enable X-rays to be taken on the spot, without having to move the patient or disturb the procedure.
  • We found a practical solution to a shortage of theatre nurses by becoming a registered teaching institution.
  • We install alcohol rub dispensers at our facilities to prevent the spread of pathogens.
  • Mediclinic uses building materials that reduce background noise for minimal disturbance.
  • A jumping rope uses almost every muscle in the entire body during exercise.
  • Scrub areas in theatre are a minimum of 2.1m wide to accommodate at least two people at a time.
  • Immunisations save lives and help stop diseases from spreading.
  • We monitor the temperature of our neonatal units as newborn babies are extremely sensitive to temperature change.

Am I at risk for rheumatic heart disease?

Unlike heart disease associated with lifestyle conditions, such as high cholesterol and obesity, rheumatic heart disease stems from infection and can strike anyone. A Mediclinic cardiologist explains what you need


Abnormal heart rhythm: what it means and how it’s treated

Heart just skipped a beat? It’s not just a figure of speech – abnormal heart rhythms are a medical condition that can be dangerous.


Understanding Arrhythmia [INFOGRAPHIC]

Do you feel your heart beating abnormally? You might have arrhythmia. Here’s why you must seek medical help.


Inside your heart

Chronic heart conditions start early in life, and quietly – but they’re life-threatening if not diagnosed, managed or treated in time. We look at risk factors and everyday, expert interventions designed to reverse them before it’s too late.