
An emergency can range from your child getting burnt at home to a car accident. Learn all about what to do in an emergency situation and the vital steps you need to take.

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How to react when someone has a stroke

When someone has a stroke, it’s crucial to act quickly – both as a bystander on the scene and as a medical professional. The Mediclinic Stroke Project has streamlined prioritized

Cape Town Cycle Tour

“My heart attack saved me”

When Byron Nichles lined up at the start of the Cape Town Cycle Tour, he didn’t expect his race to end in emergency evacuation – or that his entire life


Understanding Triage [INFOGRAPHIC]

The triage system is a universally accepted and objective way to prioritise treatment in the Emergency Centre.


Burns: The do’s and don’ts [INFOGRAPHIC]

Do you know what to do and not do when someone gets burnt? This Burns Awareness Month get educated on how to treat, and when to seek medical help, for this all too common household emergency.


Emergency treatment for snake bite

A hobbyist snake handler in Limpopo credits the medical staff at Mediclinic Tzaneen with saving his life after a near-fatal snake bite.


  • To ensure sterility, our surgical instruments are twice wrapped in sterile fabric.
  • A baby has a 70% better chance of surviving a motor vehicle accident if in a secure car seat and properly restrained.
  • Our radio-translucent theatre beds enable X-rays to be taken on the spot, without having to move the patient or disturb the procedure.
  • We install alcohol rub dispensers at our facilities to prevent the spread of pathogens.
  • We monitor the temperature of our neonatal units as newborn babies are extremely sensitive to temperature change.
  • Mediclinic uses building materials that reduce background noise for minimal disturbance.
  • Our nursing units are designed to minimise the distance between nursing staff and patients.
  • An orange has over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot-inhibiting effects.
  • Trauma patients with a critically low temperature will often be wrapped in a space blanket to reduce heat loss.
  • The triage admission system in our emergency centres has been able to reduce mortality by up to 50%.

Don’t delay emergency care!

As we enter the fourth wave of the pandemic, Mediclinic hospitals and Emergency Centres remain equipped to deal with various complications – whether they’re COVID-19-related or not.


Do I need to see a doctor right away?

If your symptoms have progressed to the point where they are causing you real alarm, the answer is probably ‘yes’.


  • Our nursing units are designed to minimise the distance between nursing staff and patients.
  • Trauma patients with a critically low temperature will often be wrapped in a space blanket to reduce heat loss.
  • Our 24-hour emergency centres feature state-of-the-art life-saving equipment.
  • A jumping rope uses almost every muscle in the entire body during exercise.
  • Our world-class neonatal units feature high frequency oscillatory ventilators to minimise lung trauma in premature babies.
  • Our corridors are 2.3m wide allowing two beds to pass one another without any interference.
  • Mediclinic is one of the three leading private hospital groups in Southern Africa and the sixth largest private healthcare group in the world.
  • An orange has over 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids, providing anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour and blood clot-inhibiting effects.
  • To ensure sterility, our surgical instruments are twice wrapped in sterile fabric.
  • Mediclinic trains more than a thousand nurses annually at training centres throughout Southern Africa.

“I thought I’d never walk again”

A motorcycle accident left Elsje Potgieter with two broken legs and a fractured pelvis. Today, she’s able to walk again, thanks to the care of health practitioners and staff at Mediclinic in Bloemfontein. She shares her remarkable story with us.


Understanding more about burns [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here’s what you need to know about how to treat burns, and when you need to call ER24 for professional medical help from an experienced medic.


Excellent Emergency Care

Trauma is its own medical discipline, requiring specialist expertise – and Mediclinic is proud to offer a state-of-the-art, accredited Trauma Level 2 hospital of excellence.


Find holiday emergency help here [INFOGRAPHIC]

This handy graphic will help you find your nearest hospital at a glance.